Breeding Skillets

DSCN0420I think the skillets have been breeding in my lower kitchen cabinets. I pulled out all my pots and pans to install an extra shelf in the lower kitchen cabinet, and I counted 16 skillets of various types and sizes – for a two-person household! That’s a lot of skillets! I have large skillets for those times that a crowd gathers, small skillets for a one-person breakfast, and other sizes in between for the intermediate-sized cooking tasks. Then there’s the wok for stir-fry, the omelet skillet, various kinds of non-sticks, high sides and low sides, which I have experimented with in my quest for the perfect skillet. There are even a couple of cast iron skillets which can’t be used on my ceramic cooktop stove, but will be nice when I get a new gas cooktop, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Finally, there are the two expensive stainless steel-plus-other-metal-layers skillets that I got at a great sale price. They are supposedly the best on the market, but they seem to only work well if you use lots of oil…yikes! What would my pioneering ancestors say! First of all, they’d ask, “What’s the problem with oils? How else you gonna fry up your meat?” Actually, they’d probably say “lard” not “oil.” They would also probably say what I think, but don’t know how to apply – “You don’t need all them skillets, girl. You need to live more frugal-like!”

DSCN0428I could manage with a few less skillets, except that over the years they’ve accumulated. I can’t quite bring myself to toss them out because sure as I do, I’ll need the very ones I tossed. So, I’ll just add another couple of shelves to house my collection. Or maybe I could stack them all neatly back in the cabinet, turned upside down. This time next year, the ones that are still upside down will earn a little ride to the thrift store donation center where they will be rewarded with a owner who will actually use them. Yes, I think I like that idea.  Maybe I can reduce the cooking collection in my kitchen and effectively expand my storage space. Look out, casserole dishes! You’re next!

About Carolyn Mustian

Wife, Mom, Author, Friend, Aunt, Quilter, Breast Cancer Survivor, Public Speaker, Bible Study Teacher, Blogger. I love life and birthdays, holidays, people and family gatherings, flowers, and all creatures furry. I love to entertain, decorate, craft and create.
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2 Responses to Breeding Skillets

  1. Love the term breeding skillets! I think it surprises a lot of people, what they end up finding in their cabinets. Think your idea of seeing what you use over the course of the year is brilliant! Good luck and happy cooking!

  2. Thanks for your encouragement! I did actually add additional shelving and I plan to post that project, along with pictures, on Tuesday of next week.

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